Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingCertifications
Certifications – making us better, day by day
We see certifications primarily as tools for the continuous improvement of our organisation and procedures. ‘Be good and get better’.
Although ultimately a satisfied customer is proof of competence, we gladly mention our certifications here. And rest assured, we work very hard every day to convert those certifications into better logistics services! During the past years, we have appealed to ‘outdoor’ experts, and trained our ‘indoor’ people, in order to continuously improve our processes, and ultimately our customer value. This was amply demonstrated when interviewing our customers.
ISO 9001 – continuous improvement
The ISO 9001 standard requires you as a service provider to have the procedures in place for taking account of your customers’ desires in a structured manner when producing your product. Moreover, you must use your customers’ feedback, both positive and negative, as input for continuously improving your products and services. We see and use ISO 9001 as a tool in order to continuously improve ourselves, our procedures and our services.
ISO 9001 is not a guarantee of perfect product quality. It is and remains a system certificate. But it does give you as a customer, or prospective customer, the confidence that Verkooijen employs the necessary procedures for learning from gained experience, and for delivering increasingly better quality.
SQAS Warehousing – a route to ‘becoming better’ step by step every day
The continuous improvement of our services towards our customers, that is the central theme. SQAS Warehousing also forms an effective grip, which we use to get better all the time. We verify the effectiveness of our internal organisation, for example, in a structural manner against the objective requirements, which are defined by the industry.
In order to guarantee that the transport and storage of chemical goods is carried out safely, to a high degree of quality and in an environmentally correct way, the CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) developed the SQAS quality standard (Safety and Quality Assessment for Sustainability).
Assessment system
SQAS is an assessment system that has been developed to determine whether the service provider meets the requirements that are set for the organisation, quality, safety and the environment. The standard aims to be primarily an assessment system, which the client can use to ascertain the status of the abovementioned topics.
The SQAS standard has different modules. There are separate modules for road transport, tank cleaning, intermodal transport and warehouses. An SQAS-specific questionnaire has been drawn up for each logistic component regarding legal provisions and topics deemed relevant by the industry. It is a system to enable the warehouse to be assessed in a uniform manner by an independent auditor. The SQAS assessment does not result in a formal certificate, but in a detailed factual report, which can be used as a basis for implementing improvement measures.

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