Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingQuality control
Quality control above all
Quality Control is one of Verkooijen’s absolute success factors. We live by the internal motto “Better good than fast, usually good and fast, never fast but not good.”
Over the last two years, we have achieved ISO 9001 certification, and all our processes are aligned with the standard. Every Verkooijen employee is acutely aware that even the tiniest impurity in a lot of granules or regrind that has been entrusted to us can cause major problems for the end user processing the plastic. And so we live and breathe quality in all that we do.
Our Quality Control department: a beacon of calm in a dynamic environment
Our Quality Control department plays a central role in all our upgrading processes: sieving, dedusting, demetallising, homogenising, packing and repacking. Every detail is double-checked. Every upgraded lot of granules or regrind must receive the thumbs-up from our Quality Control department before it is released for delivery. The QC department thoroughly inspects each lot for the following:
- Contamination
- Absence of any contamination after cleaning
- Uniformity of colour and size of pellets / fractions
- Melting point before and after homogenising
- Variance within a lot of plastic granules or regrind

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Recently we launched e-booking: the button underneath will forward you to our online timelock-reservation system.