Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingUpgrading
Upgrading from off spec to near prime
As an expert in the field of plastic granules and regrind, we have just one clear objective: to get a grip on product quality. This must be such that the product has a real value for our customer. A value that holds as a reliable constant. To realise this objective, Verkooijen has developed a number of activities, which ensure that the plastics arrived here as off spec, eventually leave as near prime.
We provide the upgrading of plastic granules and regrind for:
- traders
- producers of plastic raw materials
- producers of plastic end products, and
- insurers in the raw materials market.
When upgrading plastics and regrind, we focus on batches as from 10 tons.
Our de-dusting machine processes five tons of regrind or granules an hour. Eventually you will receive more value for your money, except the product weighs less. The de-dusting machine removes all the dust from the granules without damaging them.
We have a state-of-the-art sieving unit for sieving granules, specially designed so as to preserve the structure of the regrind and aggregate. It has an unlimited sieve range, which delivers a virtually clean end product. We verify the output quality in our laboratory.
De-metallising is an absolute requirement for upgrading granules or regrind successfully. Our machine removes 99.9% of the ferrous and non-ferrous contamination from the product. Contaminated plastic granules in e.g. a die-casting machine results in costly damage. To prevent that, de-metallising is an important part of the upgrading process.
By means of combiflow blenders, we are able to compose the mixing procedure in order to arrive at the required specifications for material type, colour, MFI and density. The blenders each process 250 m3. In that way, large batches can be mixed in a short time period into a product that lives up to its value.
Our laboratory provides a grip on quality
Our Quality Control department checks everything. Each upgraded batch of granules or regrind is only released for delivery after approval from the QC department.
The inspections concern:
– Contamination
– Contamination (its absence) after cleaning
– Composition regarding colour and grain size / fractions
– Melting point before and after homogenising
– Dispersion within a batch of granules or regrind.
That is the added value of Verkooijen!
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