Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingTransport in bulk containers
Transport in bulk containers
We have noticed a definite increase in the number of bulk containers arriving in Antwerp and Rotterdam. Transport in bulk containers means primarily transporting bulk goods, such as plastic granules, plastic regrind, plastic powders, phosphates, chunked animal nutrition and cereals. Every free-flowing type of cargo can be transported this way.
Unloading any free-flowing type of cargo at a client’s doorstep.
We have responded to this trend by purchasing a fleet of professional tipper trailers equipped with an unloading system, which enables us to unload your goods right at your customer’s doorstep! We have developed a high degree of efficiency in bulk container transport. This efficiency is the result of our special tipper trailers, custom-built for us, on which we can transport 20′ and 30′ containers. We transport bulk containers from Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Moerdijk to the destination of your choice in the Benelux countries.
Transport in bulk tankers
The transport of plastic granules, regrind, and powders in bulk tankers is one of our specialisms.
Our bulk trailers are equipped with silent compressors and air coolers and can carry up to 60 m3 of cargo. We will gladly pick your goods up in Antwerp, Rotterdam, or Moerdijk, and after your desired processing -such as dedusting, sieving, demetallising, or repacking – deliver them to the location of your choice in Europe: fast, functional, and efficient service.

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Recently we launched e-booking: the button underneath will forward you to our online timelock-reservation system.