Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingTransport & distribution
Transport and distribution: borderless and unlimited good
Through our independent transport division René Verkooijen BV, we offer a diverse package of transport services. Driven by a logistics efficiency team, we anticipate flexibly on all our customers’ transport demands.
Our services
1. Door-to-door groupage
2. LTL and FTL transport
2. Bulk/Container/Semi-trailers
3. ADR 9 transport
4. The transport of rubber, phosphates, animal feed, plastic granules, regrind, powders
5. 24-hour and 48-hour deliveries
6. transport and distribution throughout Europe
We meet our commitments
In the transport world, meeting commitments is an important asset. And… just in time!
Whatever computer system is used, good communications and reliable information are the most important factors for proper scheduling and aiming for good delivery reliability.
That is why we attach a lot of value to the fact that our drivers are properly trained and have a good command of languages. They treat your goods with care and attention. And with a clear awareness of time, delivery times and customer focus.
Our trucks and trailers
We have a fleet of modern high-grade trucks and trailers.
With our bulk trailers we transport plastic granules, regrind and powders. Our bulk trailers (60 m3) are equipped with noiseless compressors and air coolers. We also transport rubber, phosphates, animal feed and ADR 9 products. Transport in semi-trailers is done using a sophisticated fleet of tautliners. Container transport is our daily business. We take the containers from the ports to their destination throughout Europe.
With our team and fleet we are ready to serve our customers, whereby quality, advice, solutions, service and flexibility are always at the centre.
That is the added value of Verkooijen!
Track & trace.
We provide our customers with the correct management information on demand. That is one of the pillars of our working method. Thanks to our Track & Trace system, we are able to inform you at any time about the status of the supply or delivery of your freight (transport). Each truck of Verkooijen has an onboard computer, enabling us to follow the loading and unloading hours, and driving periods. Not to check our drivers, but to allow efficient and sharp operation and to inform you as a customer at any time. This enables us to achieve maximum efficiency. Real-time information. Of course, we like to provide you with the correct administrative settlement of your transports, including all the necessary customs documents. We can receive T1 goods without any problems in our customs warehouse, for example. Furthermore, taking care of the necessary customs formalities, such as customs clearance, is mere child’s play to us.
Track & Trace
Wij voorzien onze klanten op elk gewenst moment van de juiste managementinformatie. Dat is een van de pijlers van onze werkmethode. Door ons Track & Trace systeem kunnen we u op elk moment informeren over de status van de aan- of aflevering van uw goederen(-transport). Elke Verkooijen vrachtwagen heeft een boordcomputer, waardoor we de los- en laaduren, en de rijtijden goed kunnen volgen. Niet om onze chauffeurs te controleren maar om efficiënt en scherp te kunnen opereren en u als klant zodra gewenst te kunnen informeren. Zo weten we maximale efficiency te behalen. Real time informatie. Natuurlijk zorgen wij graag voor een correcte administratieve afhandeling van uw transporten, inclusief alle benodigde douanedocumenten. Zo kunnen wij probleemloos T1 goederen ontvangen in ons douane-entrepot, Ook de benodigde douaneformaliteiten eromheen, zoals de inklaring, vormen voor ons een thuiswedstrijd.

Latest news

Recently we launched e-booking: the button underneath will forward you to our online timelock-reservation system.