Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingLoading and unloading
Loading and unloading bulk tankers
At Verkooijen, a specialised professional team manages the process of loading and unloading bulk tankers. We can then temporarily store your goods in a silo, or pack them directly into the packaging of your choice.
We can load your cargo into bulk tankers from every conceivable type of packaging: bags, big bags, octabins, silos, or containers. We load bulk tankers with plastic granules, regrind, and powders every day. Should your goods contain irregularities (angel hair, streamers, double pellets, lumps), we have a variety of sieves at your disposal to filter these deformities from your cargo. That helps to preserve the value of your lot, and thus your margin.
Loading bulk containers
The professionals who load bulk containers at Verkooijen do it every day; it is their specialism.
They make sure the automated loading process runs cleanly and without a hitch. Plastic granules, regrind, and powders are routine for us. Your advantage: a minimal wait and a high degree of efficiency!
We can load every type of 20′, 30′, and 40′ container:
- bulk containers with filling hatches in the roof
- bulk containers without filling hatches in the roof, but with one or more hatches in the doors
Unloading bulk containers
The unloading of bulk containers is also in the hands of experienced professionals, who spend their days at Verkooijen managing the automated unloading of plastic granules, regrind, and powders.
Our loading and unloading team’s years of experience and routine make the process fast, clean, and blazingly efficient. After unloading, you can have your cargo directly packed in the packaging of your choice, labelled with custom stickers, and stored temporarily or long term in our 90,000 square meters of warehouse space, climate controlled if desired.
We unload all types of bulk containers:
- bulk containers with a discharge hatch that runs the entire width of the container
- bulk containers with a discharge hatch on the front of the container

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Recently we launched e-booking: the button underneath will forward you to our online timelock-reservation system.