Our services
E-booking Warehousing of plastics, rubber, elastomers, paper, phosphates, animal nutrition and ADR9 products. Loading and unloading Bonded warehousing Warehouse storage Silo storage Storage for containers Upgrading Demetallising Homogenising Dedusting Quality control Sieving Transport and distribution Transport in bulk containers Transport in containers Transport in tautliners Logistic services (Re)packing and reconditioning Bagging Customs forms Loading and unloadingBagging
Bagging using automated packaging lines
We bag your granules, regrind, and powders (in, say, 25-kg bags) using two fully automated packaging lines.
We use an FFS machine to fill them, followed by a palletiser and a shrink-sleeve machine for each line. If you so desire, we will print a lot number, date, manufacturer, or whatever information you’d like onto the bags, so that your goods remain easily traceable. We can also sample your product during the filling process for quality control in our lab. It doesn’t matter how you deliver your goods to us: from a silo, in bulk, in big bags, octabins, boxes, or bags.
Would you like to use your own house style on the packaging?
Customised stickers or labels? No problem: you ask, Verkooijen delivers!

Latest news

Recently we launched e-booking: the button underneath will forward you to our online timelock-reservation system.